Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Robert Kraft and Ricki Noel Lander Star in Some Weird, Creepy Audition Video

What you are about to see is, well, just really strange. Unless you don't think watching an NFL owner participate in an audition tape is bizarre, that is.
Bob Kraft appeared in an audition tape with his girlfriend, Ricki Noel Lander, and delivered a performance reminiscent of Robert De Niro in Raging Bull. OK, so actually his performance was closer to Keanu Reeves acting in a small-town theater company's interpretation of Raging Bull, but who's counting?Let's just say Bob won't be appearing on Dancing with the Stars anytime soon. He's all chips and no salsa. I think he calls that dance move "The Doggie Paddle."But the punch scene changed everything (cough). Oh yes, the punch scene. So riveting. So much emotion. You could really feel his character's anger in that moment. The beast inside him awoke. His rage became our rage. His struggle became our struggle.
I don't know if Lander will get the part, but I know this much—they better find a place for Kraft in that movie. His talent has gone undiscovered for too long. The world needs him on the silver screen.Oh, and kudos to Kraft for helping out his girlfriend with the audition tape. I'm sure he didn't plan on becoming a star actor in the process.

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